Active: 2012
Length: 3½ hours
Explicit Tag in iTunes
Category: Podcast/RSS
Fandible: Agents of Indigo
Active: 2012
Length: 2 hours
One-Shot, 2 mp3’s
Explicit Tag in iTunes
Fandible: Honor + Intrigue: Galileo’s Compass
Active: 2012
Length: 3½ hours
Explicit Tag in iTunes
Fandible: Marvel Heroic Roleplaying: A Mojo Minute
Active: 2012
Length: 3 hours
Explicit Tag in iTunes
Fandible: Dread: Beneath a Metal Sky
Active: 2012
Length: 2 hours
Explicit Tag in iTunes
Fandible: Part-Time Gods
Active: 2012
Length: 2-3 hours
3 mp3’s in 2 episodes
Explicit Tag in iTunes
Fandible: Supernatural
Active: 2012-2014
Length: 2-3½ hours
6 mp3’s in 5 episodes
Explicit Tag in iTunes
Fandible: Legends of Anglerre: Two and a Half Bears
Active: 2012
Length: 3½ hours
Explicit Tag in iTunes
Fandible: Unhallowed Metropolis
Active: 2011-current
Length: 1½-3½ hours
36 mp3’s in 18 episodes
Explicit Tag in iTunes
Fandible: Deathwatch
Active: 2011-2012
Length: 1½-2½ hours
7 mp3’s in 4 episodes
Explicit Tag in iTunes