Active: 2014-2017
Length: 1½-3 hours
19 mp3’s in 12 “episodes”
Explicit Tag in iTunes
Category: Podcast/RSS
Fandible: Dungeon World: A Little Bit of Dis
Active: 2014
Length: 1½-2½ hours
One-Shot, 2 mp3’s.
Explicit Tag in iTunes
Fandible: Magic the Gathering: The Savage Green
Active: 2014
Length: 2½ hours
One-Shot, FATE Accelerated system inspired by Magic the Gathering.
Explicit Tag in iTunes
Fandible: TimeWatch
Active: 2014, 2016
Length: 1½-2½ hours
Two One-Shots, 3 mp3’s
Explicit Tag in iTunes
Fandible: Planescape
Active: 2014
Length: 1½-2 hours
One-Shot, 2mp3’s
Explicit Tag in iTunes
Fandible: Out of the Box: Defenders of the Claus
Active: 2013
Length: ~1 hour
Explicit Tag in iTunes
Fandible: Numenera
Active: 2013
Length: 1½-2 hours
4 mp3’s in 2 “episodes” Short-Shot. Different from their Longshot campaign.
Explicit Tag in iTunes
Fandible: Gargoyles: Dead Pain
Active: 2013
Length: 2¾ hours
Explicit Tag in iTunes
Fandible: Tabletop Blockbuster: A Fistful of Mana
Active: 2013
Length: 2¾ hours
Explicit Tag in iTunes
Fandible: The God Machine Chronicles
Active: 2013-2014
Length: 1½-3½ hours
8 mp3’s in 5 “episodes”
Explicit Tag in iTunes