Active: 2015-2017
Length: 1½-3 hours
7 mp3’s in 5 “episodes” two series/campaigns
Explicit Tag in iTunes
Category: Podcast/RSS
Fandible: Jurassic Park: Legacy
Active: 2015
Length: 3 hours
One-Shot, custom Hollow Earth Expedition setting.
Explicit Tag in iTunes
Fandible: Planet Mercenary
Active: 2015
Length: 2½-3 hours
Short-Shot, 2 episodes
Explicit Tag in iTunes
Fandible: The End of the World
Active: 2015-2017
Length: 1½-~2 hours
17 mp3’s in 10 “episodes”
Explicit Tag in iTunes
Fandible: Aberrant: Imposed Anarchy
Active: 2015
Length: 3½ hours
Explicit Tag in iTunes
Fandible: Vampire: The Masquerade
Active: 2014
Length: 2-2½ hours
One-Shot, 2 mp3’s.
Explicit Tag in iTunes
Fandible: Demon: the Descent
Active: 2014-present
Length: 1½-3 hours
7 mp3’s in 4 “episodes” in two series
Explicit Tag in iTunes
Fandible: Flesh and Chitin
Active: 2014
Length: 3¾ hours
One-Shot, custom NWOD setting.
Explicit Tag in iTunes
Fandible: The Strange
Active: 2014-2017
Length: 1½-3½ hours
13 mp3’s in 11 “episodes”
Explicit Tag in iTunes
Fandible: Night’s Black Agents
Active: 2014
Length: 1½-2 hours
One-Shot, 2 mp3’s.
Explicit Tag in iTunes